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Interested in volunteering for a non-profit?  What better way then to do so outside in the garden?  See the fruits of your labor litterally pay off!  Please see below for a list of on-going volunteering opportunities for garden members, community partners, and you.  Please contact the steering committee at with any questions.


We welcome groups of volunteers too!

Spreading Mulch (Ongoing)

In the Garden

We have had truck loads of mulch delivered to the garden. Yay!  But we need volunteers to help spread it between plots and in the common areas.


This helps keeps weeds down and makes our garden beautiful!


*Members, if you could spread the mulch around your own individual plot this would go a long ways to improving the garden!*

Weeding (Ongoing)

In the Garden

Weeding...often the dreaded chore of gardeners, is also a catharsis after a long day at the office.  Take out your frustrations and help weed the common areas of the garden.  It's a great volunteering opportunity for those that like to see immediate results!  It also helps maintain the beauty of our garden and keeps our plants healthy.


*Members can help by keeping their individual plots and the area around their plot weeded.  An extra few minutes each visit can be spent weeding a small portion of the community area*


Steering Committee members will additionally maintain any vacant plots.

Building New Shade Structure (Dates TBD)

Locations of Meetings and Work Days to Be Announced

Interested in helping add visual appeal and some much needed shade to our garden?  Contact the steering committee at to lend a helping hand to design and build our new shade structure.


*Members, we will be announcing work days for this project in upcoming newsletters*

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