Rules and Regulations
Adopted June 10, 2013, Updated January 1st, 2019
West Anaheim gardeners are eager to grow wholesome food, meet their neighbors, and beautify our city. To help ensure that we have a safe and successful gardening experience, the following rules and regulations are established. All members and volunteers will work together to achieve these objectives.
“It is in the shelter of each other that the people live”- old Irish Proverb
West Anaheim gardeners are eager to grow wholesome food, meet their neighbors, and beautify our city. To help ensure that we have a safe and successful gardening experience, the following rules and regulations are established. All members and volunteers will work together to achieve these objectives.
MEMBERS: All West Anaheim residents and friends are encouraged to become members of Common Ground – our community garden. As a member, you will be included in our regular communications and you will receive a garden plot.
Attendance at one (2) Common Ground Community Garden meeting per year is mandatory. Dates will be announced by email and posted at the Garden in the information booth a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the meeting date.
Common ground activities will be overseen by a Board of Directors, which is governed with the Bylaws of Common Ground
DISPUTES: Dispute should be always handled at the individual level before escalating to the Board for resolution. Need for immediate resolution can be addressed to the President, he or she can make a decision which is binding but can be appealed to the Board by complainants for the SAA for further actions.
Membership: $50 per calendar year for 1st 4x8 plot, $40 per year for 2nd 4x8 plot or $90 per year for 8x8 plot (if available). Membership is annual, January 1st to December 31st. Midyear membership, if available, (July 1st) to December 31st is $25/$20/$45. No other pro-rating will occur. Checks or money orders may be handed to a Board member or placed into the slot on the side of the shed.
a. Each plot gardener must commit to two (2) hours per month of Common Ground related activity.
b. Each gardener is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their garden plot. Watering, weeding, harvesting and any other garden related maintenance are all the responsibility of the gardener. Watering, weeding, harvesting and other garden related maintenance is the responsibility of the plot tenant. Gardeners may arrange for others to water and maintain overall condition of their plots. These names /phone numbers must be provided to the Board of Directors and times must be arranged for the proxy to perform gardening tasks.
c. Gardeners may harvest vegetables and flowers from their garden plot only.
d. Trespassing on other plots is prohibited. This includes the removal of irrigation parts, plants, tools or any other property. Taking/removing anything from another plot will be grounds for termination of membership. e. Garden plots should be cared for regularly. It is the gardener's responsibility to notify the site manager if he or she is not able to care for their plot. If any plot remains unattended for more than a month without notice to the garden committee that plot could be subject to reassignment, and membership withdrawn.
f. All gardeners are expected to comply with the watering guidelines. Wall water needs to stay within the plot. This will help eliminate the growth of weeds outside the plot. Keep watering times at a maximum of 10 minutes/day.
g. All plots should be mulched to reduce water evaporation.
h. Please keep the area around each plot free of tools, debris, ladders, buckets, material or plants. There are to be no items in the 4’ area around each plot.
3. PLOT SELECTION/ASSIGNMENT: Assignment of garden plots will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. Preference for next year's plots will be given to current year's participants. Members may apply for permits for up to two plots. These will be granted based on availability.

a. Each gardener will be given a gate code to the garden lock. The gate code is for members only; please do not share the code with nonmembers. For your safety, the code will be changed on an as needed basis. Please give the name/phone number of those who you want to have access to help tend your plot.
b. The garden is available from dawn to dusk. Please notify the site manager if you must enter the garden at night.
c. The last member leaving Common Ground is responsible for ensuring that the gates are secured and properly locked.
5. CHILDREN: Children under the age of 12 are welcome in the garden but must be accompanied by a member and must be supervised at all times.

6. PETS: Pets are allowed in the garden but must be leashed and under control at all times. Even if leashed, if a pet shows signs of aggression and the owner cannot keep the pet under control, the pet must be removed from the property. If a pet is asked to be taken off property more than once, the pet is not allowed back onto property. Any pet owner who violates this rule will be subject to loss of their plot. The pet owner must clean up after their pet and proper disposal of waste. The pet owner is responsible for any damage caused by their animal.
7. TOOLS: Each member will be responsible for providing their own tools and hoses. A storage shed may become available in the future but not at this time. Keep your tools marked and under your control.

8. WEEDS & PESTS: The application of artificial herbicides and pesticides is prohibited. You can remove weeds manually and a spray of water can eliminate many pests.
While we understand that life happens, having a garden plot in a common area requires that all members share responsibility for keeping the garden clean and weed free. Weeds that overtake one plot can overtake other plots and common areas of the Garden. Plots (and common areas designated as the responsibility of the plot holder- ½ of the space between plots) that are not maintained will be notified by email and a notice will be placed on the plot. If the plot is not taken care of within 15 calendar days a written warning will be made. If not taken care of within 30 calendar days of original warning a $20 fee will be assessed. If the plot is not taken care of within 60 days of the original plot and/or the fee is not paid by the 60-day mark, the member will lose their plot.
9. TRASH: Three containers will be provided by the City of Anaheim for Common Ground and will be picked up weekly (Monday’s). Please adhere to these categories. Items in the yard waste and recyclable bins that do not belong to that category can cause fines to the garden. If this occurs, the gardener responsible will be assessed the fine, if the fine is not paid by the gardener, the gardener will lose their plot.
BROWN – Yard waste
GREEN – Recyclable materials
BLACK – Non-recyclable Rocks and dirt can be left in the garden.
10. DONATED ITEMS: Any items donated to the Garden (plants or trees outside of the gardener’s plot, supplies, tools) belong to the Garden once donated. If a Gardener decides to or is asked to leave the Garden items donated (or plants not in the plot) cannot be removed from the Garden. A gardener cannot ask for a plant that has been placed in ground (outside of their plot) to be returned to them for any reason.
11. ITEMS LEFT after a gardener has either left or been asked to leave the garden: If a gardener is asked to leave the garden, they will have a 7-day period to arrange with one of the Board members a time to pick up any plants in their (former) plot tools/supplies that can be proven to be theirs. Any items not removed after the 7-day period will become property of the Garden and will not be returned in the future. If a gardener has abandoned their plot, once the abandonment has been recorded, the plot owner has 7days to pick up any items left behind. Any items or plants remaining after 7 days will become property of Common Ground.
12. HOLD HARMLESS: By signing these rules the gardener agrees to hold Common Ground, its Board and other garden members harmless in case of accident, or injury while on Common Ground property.
a. All members are responsible for reading, understanding and complying with the rules and regulations set forth.
b. Members violating the rules will be subject to discipline, up to and including the loss of their garden plot permit, by the Board of Directors.
c. Rules and regulations may be changed at a with a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice, unless the rule addresses a safety issue. Any changes not in the original rules will be posted and provided to each member of Common Ground.
Any Questions on these rules can be addressed with a member of the Board of Directors