Give Help
A garden isn't complete without gardeners!
We welcome any level of participation and have lot's of options whether you are looking to sponsor or coordinate events or get your hands dirty in the soil.
Become a Member of the garden and have your own plot for $50/year for a 4x8 plot or $90 for a 8x8 plot
Volunteer for a special event
Volunteer to plan an event
Sponsor the garden; donations are always welcome!
Donate gardening tools and supplies
Donate your time to the community garden space, cared for and enjoyed by members and volunteers
Join the steering committee and help make the big ideas come to life
Be a guest speaker for a membership meeting
Help with irrigation leaks and set-up
Puruse the website for details and be sure to check out our Membership and Events pages for more current information. Please contact us with any questions at
We also welcome volunteering groups for team building events!
Get Help
Having garden troubles?
Need to report a problem?
Contact the steering committee via email at
The Square Foot Method
A common method used for managing smaller garden spaces with big returns!
The plot shown above is getting ready to adopt this gardening technique.
To learn more and heck out how you can start square foot gardening